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April Newsletter: Spring Clean Your Health

May is the perfect time to spring clean your health routine! As spring produce starts to arrive at the farmers market and the weather warms up, it's a great time to add in more fruits and veggies and get out for some exercise! Plus, you can find the

April Newsletter: Spring Clean Your Health

May is the perfect time to spring clean your health routine! As spring produce starts to arrive at the farmers market and the weather warms up, it's a great time to add in more fruits and veggies and get out for some exercise! Plus, you can find the right supplements to boost energy, improve gut health and sharpen your mind with our top health picks for spring!

Here are some of our top picks for spring cleaning your health routine!

1. Get your gut health in check before summer starts! Solgar's Advanced Daily Support Probiotic has science-backed strains to help support a healthy microbiome.

2. Most folks could use a Vitamin D boost, even if you get out in the sun sometimes. It helps with bone health, immunity, mood, hormone health and more!

3. Lion's Mane mushrooms have been used traditionally for their anti-inflammatory properties. Harness their power with Fungi Perfecti's Host Defense Lion's Maine Powder.

4. Fight the inflammation of everyday life with Life Extension's Optimized Quercetin.

5. Not sure how to boost digestion? Try Michael's Naturopathic Digestive Enzymes if you're having trouble breaking down the foods you eat.

6. Looking for a natural retinol alternative to help you keep that youthful glow? Wild Carrot Herbals Botanical Brilliance Serum has Bakuchi Oil, which aids in cell turnover for brilliant skin.

7. Does your kiddo need more iron in their diet? Try ChildLife Liquid Iron in Natural Berry Flavor. It's naturally tasty and easy to absorb.

8. For oat milk on the go or in a pinch, check out Now Foods Organic Oat Milk Powder.

*It's always a good idea to consult your healthcare provider when taking new supplements. This newsletter is not intended to treat or diagnose any medical conditions.

by Jeani Hunt, MS, RD, CD, VitaminLife's resident dietitian and owner of VeggieLush Nutrition.

Clean eating doesn't always sound fun or delicious, but there are ways to make it a pleasure rather than a pain! Check out some of my top ways to spring clean your diet:

1. Add in spring fruits and veggies - Radishes, leafy greens, apples, citrus and asparagus are all full of antioxidants and healthy fiber to help clean out your system!

2. Get your healthy fats - Sometimes folks forget about the power of fat. Healthy fats or unsaturated fats are important for everything from immunity to hair and skin health to hormone health. Enjoy generous amounts of olive oil, nuts, seeds and avocado daily.

3. Up your fiber intake - the only truly "cleansing" food is fiber (don't let anyone sell you on juice cleanses- they don't work). Fiber is found in fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, beans and other legumes. If you need a little more help clearing things out, consider adding some psyllium husk to your daily routine.

4. Find the right probiotic - If you're having any gut issues, a good probiotic can be the perfect health booster. We're learning more and more how the gut is super important to our overall health, so make sure you have healthy flora!

5. Limit added sugar - while you'll probably go nuts if you totally cut out all added sugar, you'll likely feel a lot better if you limit it to about 25-35 g per day. Plus, you'll retrain your palate to enjoy less sweet stuff. Try replacing some added sugar with sugar from sweet fruit like bananas and dates to start.

Bonus: Add in some plant protein - we're learning more and more about how beneficial it can be to get some of our protein from plants! That doesn't mean you need to go fully plant-based. Instead, try starting out with a meatless Monday and prep some tofu, tempeh, seitan or beans for your protein. Then, add in other meals from there. It's great for the planet and your heart health!

Adam Jones profile image Adam Jones