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October Newsletter: Healthy Halloween for Families

For this year's healthy Halloween Newsletter we're focusing on moms and their little ones. This is a great time to teach kids to enjoy sweets in moderation and for mama to have a few treats too. Check out our top mom and kiddo picks for a

October Newsletter: Healthy Halloween for Families

For this year's healthy Halloween Newsletter we're focusing on moms and their little ones. This is a great time to teach kids to enjoy sweets in moderation and for mama to have a few treats too. Check out our top mom and kiddo picks for a healthy and fun Halloween below!

Check out these top picks for a healthy transition to fall.

  1. If you're low on energy or high on stress, you may want to consider adding Peaceful Mama to your supplement routine. It has B vitamins, essential to energy and good mood and ginger, prized for its anti-inflammatory properties.
  2. Berberine is a plant-based compound that may help boost metabolism and lower blood lipids and blood sugar. If you're curious about it's benefits try Solaray's highly absorbable Prosorb Berberine.
  3. If you have little ones, you know calming them down with a nice bath can be key to a good night's sleep for everyone. Try Badger Baby Night Night Foaming Shampoo to help sooth them with calming lavendar.
  4. Need a little help perking up after the Halloween festivities? Life Extension Rainforest Blend coffee is designed to preserve even more antioxidants than normal coffee, and it's 100% Organic.
  5. Collagen can help you get that protein that you need to run around chasing kiddos all day, while improving skin and joint health. Try Nature's Plus Collagen Peptides in your morning coffee or smoothie.
  6. Get into a spooky mood with Wild Carrot Herbals Cosmic body bar. This hand-made body bar is biodegradable and contains charcoal for a deep clean.
  7. As the days grow darker, it gets even more difficult to get enough Vitamin D for your little one. Try Nordic Naturals Baby Vitamin D3 to ensure they're getting all they need.
  8. Prunella Vulgaris has been valued in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory healing powers. Flower Essence Services has created a Self-Heal formula with organic prunella vulgaris to help you heal and promote wellness.

*It's always a good idea to consult your healthcare provider when taking new supplements. This newsletter is not intended to treat or diagnose any medical conditions.

by Jeani Hunt, MS, RD, CD, VitaminLife's resident dietitian and owner of VeggieLush Nutrition.

  1. Help kids enjoy candy in moderation - Sometimes folks think kiddos have to totally avoid candy and sugar to be healthy, and that's just not true. In fact, making candy into forbidden fruit can increase its appeal to your little ones, so be sure to show them how to eat in moderation.
  2. Make sure you and your kiddos get a protein-filled meal before going trick-or-treating - Get some protein in their meal before heading out, so they won't be absolutely starving or spike blood sugar with candy.
  3. Take advantage of the chance to walk - One great thing about trick-or-treating is that it involves movement. If your little ones are particularly energetic, you can encourage skipping or dancing along the way to allow their bodies to take up blood sugar easily.
  4. Create more nutrient-dense treats for your family to enjoy - It doesn't have to be all candy all the time. Try making a pumpkin pie smoothie with pumpkin puree, a banana for sweetness, nut butter, pumpkin pie spice and chocolate chips.
  5. Have a plan for leftover candy - You may not need all your spoils from the night. Plan to share with friends, co-workers or at local organizations you participate in.

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Adam Jones profile image Adam Jones