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5 Ways to Prep for a Healthy Summer

by Jeani Hunt, MS, RD, CD, VitaminLife's resident dietitian and owner of VeggieLush Nutrition. 1. Get your SPF now - Start slathering on the SPF now. Minderal sun screens are the safest, because they simply coat your skin and block UVA and UVB rays. Make sure to grab

5 Ways to Prep for a Healthy Summer

by Jeani Hunt, MS, RD, CD, VitaminLife's resident dietitian and owner of VeggieLush Nutrition.

1. Get your SPF now - Start slathering on the SPF now. Minderal sun screens are the safest, because they simply coat your skin and block UVA and UVB rays. Make sure to grab one that is at least SPF 30 and keep it in your bag. While you're at it get a good sun hat and sunglasses to protect your skin and eyes.   


2. Start strength training - Instead of restricting or cutting out foods you love, try strength training to get fit for summer. This can help you build muscle, so you can be stronger and even boost metabolism. 


3. Set up a hydration station - As the days get warmer, good hydration matters even more. Make sure you have your favorite beverages on hand, whether that's just cold water, coconut water, bubbly water, infused water or iced tea.  


4. Plan outdoor adventures - Summer is a great time to get outdoors and get some exercise, but it can be overwhelming to try to book a camping trip, a hike, paddle-boarding or kayaking at the last minute. Get ready by pulling together your gear and planning some weekend adventures now. 


5. Get the grill ready - Grilling can be a great way to get healthy foods from grilled meat and fish to grilled seasonal veggies. Make sure your grill is clean and you have the tools you need from skewers to grill baskets and tongs, so you're ready for those last minute gatherings. 

Top 5 Men’s Health Tips

 by Jeani Hunt, MS, RD, CD, VitaminLife's resident dietitian and owner of VeggieLush Nutrition.

Men's health matters too! As a dietitian, I can't tell you how many female clients I've spoken to who say their husbands prefer red meat & potatoes and don't eat vegetables. So, it's probably no surprise that heart disease is one of the leading killers of men in the U.S. Luckily there's a lot of stuff you can do to lower your risk. Here are my top men's health tips:

1. Eat fibrous vegetables daily - High fiber veggies like leafy greens, squash, peppers, carrots and others are important for heart health, because they provide antioxidants and help clear excess fats from your body. This also makes them great for colon health and gut health.

2. Get some plant protein - Eating red meat more than two times a day can be pro-inflammatory. Plus, it's high in saturated fat (which increases bad cholesterol). Replace just a few meals a week with a plant protein from beans, legumes or soy, and you'll boost heart health!

3. Get your healthy fats - Men need unsaturated fat too. It's anti-inflammatory and helps reduce your risk of heart disease by actually making your cells more flexible. Try adding fish, nuts, seeds, avocado, olive oil or other vegetable oils to your daily routine.

4. Enjoy whole grains - Replace some refined grains and sugars like white bread and white rice and sweets with whole grains like whole wheat, quinoa, farro, rye and others. These have fiber, B vitamins and antioxidants built in!

5. Limit ultra-processed foods - We all enjoy a burger or taco out from time to time, but don't make it your default. Fast food is pro-inflammatory, especially if you eat it every night. Instead, try cooking at home with simple, whole foods and limit fast food to special occasions.

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Adam Jones profile image Adam Jones